
Charity foundation of UDS Group changes over to a new operation mode

For more than 4 years the charity foundation of the holding company has been rendering targeted aid to the gifted children from needy families, orphaned children or children without parental support — it has been financing travels to the festivals, contests, competitions, acquiring outfit, contributing to the development of talented children of Udmurtia. More than 200 gifted children have obtained foundation support during this time.

The strategy of UDS Group contemplates development of the new social initiatives and a new extent of support. In 2018 the charity foundation of the holding company changes over from a targeted aid to great social projects. As a result, the support will become more efficient and extensive.

“We will continue initiatives on the development of sport and culture, support of the regional box federation, construction and restoration of cathedrals and churches in the republic, construction of children’s playgrounds, furnishing sensory rooms for physically-challenged children. We will also implement charity programs involving new lines of activity”, emphasizes Evgeniya Tyunina, Charity Foundation Director.

We are facing major efforts and many kind and good deeds for the benefit of Udmurtia.

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